Many people have the cash to pay the instalment but they do not have any indication of income in their account statements. Novelty Bank Statements For Carįake Pay Stubs and Bank Statement or Novelty Bank Statements are commonly used as income proof documents to apply for a car loan. Although it is not legal, but getting these novelty bank statements for proof of income is a common practice. Self-employed and cash salaried persons use novelty bank statements and novelty pay stubs to reflect their fake income just to get approved for a rental application. The proof of income let landlords assess the ability of the tenants to pay rent on time. Many people who are self-employed or getting paid in cash do not have their proof of income in their bank statements. But what about when you need to provide these bank statements as proof of income documents with some changes in it? Fake Bank Statements For Apartments Anyone can benefit from having an accurate bank statement. Which shows how concerned they are with providing this service to their customers. Most banks send statements to their clients free of charge. Most transactions involve money, so people need fake bank statements to manage their finances responsibly. Fake bank statements are essential for managing your money correctly.